22nd October 2024

Search Bingley Town Council

Bingley Town Council Serving the people of Bingley

Winter Maintenance

Grit Bins

At Bingley Town Council, we have a duty of care to ensure our residents and visitors can travel through the Parish safely during winter months. There are several grit bins located in residential areas which are our responsibility. These can be recognised as they will have stickers with our logo on them.

If there are other grit bins in the area, they will be owned by either Bradford Council or private, and we cannot assist with these.

Grit Bin Refills

We strive to ensure all Bingley Town Council grit bins are refilled in time for the winter period.

Grit bin levels are checked twice a year by the Town Councillors (October and January). If any bins are identified as less than half full, see photo, we can make a request to Bradford Council for a refill at a cost of £50 per bin.

Read our grit bin policy here.

Report It Online

Occasionally, some bins can be overlooked, emptied quicker than others or be damaged/filled with litter. Please use the form below to notify us of any problems with grit bins which belong to Bingley Town Council.

* Required Field

Report It Online

Please provide as much information as possible

Is there anything else to report regarding this bin?

If you require a reply.

Last updated: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 09:59